A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
a1 — Property, class starling.display.graphics.StrokeVertex
a2 — Property, class starling.display.graphics.StrokeVertex
ABOVE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.layout.RelativeDepth
The item will be positioned above another item.
AbstractClassError — class, package starling.errors
An AbstractClassError is thrown when you attempt to create an instance of an abstract class.
AbstractClassError(message:any, id:any) — Constructor, class starling.errors.AbstractClassError
Creates a new AbstractClassError object.
AbstractMethodError — class, package starling.errors
An AbstractMethodError is thrown when you attempt to call an abstract method.
AbstractMethodError(message:any, id:any) — Constructor, class starling.errors.AbstractMethodError
Creates a new AbstractMethodError object.
AbstractShader — class, package starling.display.shaders
AbstractShader() — Constructor, class starling.display.shaders.AbstractShader
acceptButtonIndex — Property, class feathers.controls.Alert
The index of the button in the buttonsDataProvider to trigger when Keyboard.ENTER is pressed.
acceptDrag(target:feathers.dragDrop:IDropTarget) — Static Method , class feathers.dragDrop.DragDropManager
Tells the drag and drop manager if the target will accept the current drop.
accessoryField — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
The field in the item that contains a display object to be positioned in the accessory position of the renderer.
accessoryFunction — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
A function that returns a display object to be positioned in the accessory position of the renderer.
accessoryGap — Style, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
The space, in pixels, between the accessory and the other child it is positioned relative to.
accessoryLabelDisabledFontStyles — Style, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
The font styles used to display the item renderer's accessory label text when the item renderer is disabled.
accessoryLabelFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
A function that generates ITextRenderer that uses the result of accessoryLabelField or accessoryLabelFunction.
accessoryLabelField — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
The field in the item that contains a string to be displayed in a renderer-managed ITextRenderer in the accessory position of the renderer.
accessoryLabelFontStyles — Style, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
The font styles used to display the item renderer's accessory label text.
accessoryLabelFunction — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
A function that returns a string to be displayed in a renderer-managed ITextRenderer in the accessory position of the renderer.
accessoryLabelProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
An object that stores properties for the accessory label text renderer sub-component (if using accessoryLabelField or accessoryLabelFunction), and the properties will be passed down to the text renderer when this component validates.
accessoryLabelSelectedFontStyles — Style, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
The font styles used to display the item renderer's accessory label text when the item renderer is selected.
accessoryLabelStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
The value added to the styleNameList of the accessory label text renderer, if it exists.
accessoryLoaderFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
A function that generates an ImageLoader that uses the result of accessorySourceField or accessorySourceFunction.
accessoryLoaderStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
The value added to the styleNameList of the accessory loader, if it exists.
accessoryOffsetX — Style, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
Offsets the x position of the accessory by a certain number of pixels.
accessoryOffsetY — Style, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
Offsets the y position of the accessory by a certain number of pixels.
accessoryPosition — Style, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
The location of the accessory, relative to one of the other children.
accessorySourceField — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
A field in the item that contains a starling.textures.Texture or a URL that points to a bitmap to be used as the item renderer's accessory.
accessorySourceFunction — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
A function that generates a starling.textures.Texture or a URL that points to a bitmap to be used as the item renderer's accessory.
activate() — method, class starling.display.BlendMode
Sets the appropriate blend factors for source and destination on the current context.
activate(context:flash.display3D:Context3D) — method, class starling.rendering.Program
Activates the program on the given context.
activeElementName — Property, class feathers.extensions.tabbedApplication.TabbedViewNavigator
The active tab name.
activeNavigator — Property, class feathers.extensions.tabbedApplication.TabbedViewNavigator
The active navigator.
activeScreen — Property, class feathers.controls.supportClasses.BaseScreenNavigator
A reference to the currently active screen.
activeScreenID — Property, class feathers.controls.supportClasses.BaseScreenNavigator
The string identifier for the currently active screen.
actualHeight — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
The final height value that should be used for layout.
actualMinHeight — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
The final minimum height value that should be used for layout.
actualMinWidth — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
The final minimum width value that should be used for layout.
actualWidth — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
The final width value that should be used for layout.
add(name:String) — method, class feathers.core.TokenList
Adds a token to the list.
add(object:starling.animation:IAnimatable) — method, class starling.animation.Juggler
Adds an object to the juggler.
ADD — Constant Static Property, class starling.display.BlendMode
Adds the values of the colors of the display object to the colors of its background.
addAll(collection:feathers.data:IListCollection) — method, class feathers.data.ArrayCollection
Adds all items from another collection.
addAll(collection:feathers.data:IListCollection) — method, interface feathers.data.IListCollection
Adds all items from another collection.
addAll(collection:feathers.data:IListCollection) — method, class feathers.data.ListCollection
Adds all items from another collection.
addAll(collection:feathers.data:IListCollection) — method, class feathers.data.VectorCollection
Adds all items from another collection.
addAll(collection:feathers.data:IListCollection) — method, class feathers.data.XMLListCollection
Adds all items from another collection.
addAllAt(collection:feathers.data:IListCollection, index:int) — method, class feathers.data.ArrayCollection
Adds all items from another collection, placing the items at a specific index in this collection.
addAllAt(collection:feathers.data:IListCollection, index:int) — method, interface feathers.data.IListCollection
Adds all items from another collection, placing the items at a specific index in this collection.
addAllAt(collection:feathers.data:IListCollection, index:int) — method, class feathers.data.ListCollection
Adds all items from another collection, placing the items at a specific index in this collection.
addAllAt(collection:feathers.data:IListCollection, index:int) — method, class feathers.data.VectorCollection
Adds all items from another collection, placing the items at a specific index in this collection.
addAllAt(collection:feathers.data:IListCollection, index:int) — method, class feathers.data.XMLListCollection
Adds all items from another collection, placing the items at a specific index in this collection.
addBitmapFont(name:String, font:starling.text:BitmapFont) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Register a bitmap font under a certain name.
addByteArray(name:String, byteArray:flash.utils:ByteArray) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Register a byte array under a certain name.
addChar(charID:int, bitmapChar:starling.text:BitmapChar) — method, class starling.text.BitmapFont
Adds a bitmap char with a certain character ID.
addChild(child:starling.display:DisplayObject) — method, class starling.display.DisplayObjectContainer
Adds a child to the container.
addChildAt(child:starling.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — method, class starling.display.DisplayObjectContainer
Adds a child to the container at a certain index.
addDegenerates(destX:Number, destY:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number) — method, class starling.display.graphics.Fill
addDegenerates(destX:Number, destY:Number) — method, class starling.display.graphics.Stroke
added — Event, class starling.display.DisplayObject
Dispatched when an object is added to a parent.
ADDED — Constant Static Property, class starling.events.Event
Event type for a display object that is added to a parent.
addedEffect — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
An optional effect that is activated when the component is added to the stage.
addedToStage — Event, class starling.display.DisplayObject
Dispatched when an object is connected to the stage (directly or indirectly).
ADDED_TO_STAGE — Constant Static Property, class starling.events.Event
Event type for a display object that is added to the stage
addElement(label:String, screen:Object, data:Object, transition:Function) — method, class feathers.extensions.tabbedApplication.TabbedViewNavigator
Add a new tab to the navigation bar.
addElementAt(index:uint, label:String, screen:Object, data:Object, transition:Function) — method, class feathers.extensions.tabbedApplication.TabbedViewNavigator
Add a new tab to the navigation bar at the specified index.
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function) — method, interface feathers.core.IFeathersEventDispatcher
Adds a listener for an event type.
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function) — method, class starling.display.DisplayObject
Registers an event listener at a certain object.
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function) — method, class starling.events.EventDispatcher
Registers an event listener at a certain object.
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function) — method, class starling.styles.MeshStyle
addFilter(filter:starling.filters:FragmentFilter) — method, class starling.filters.FilterChain
Adds a filter to the chain.
addFilterAt(filter:starling.filters:FragmentFilter, index:int) — method, class starling.filters.FilterChain
Adds a filter to the chain at the given index.
addFrame(texture:starling.textures:Texture, sound:flash.media:Sound, duration:Number) — method, class starling.display.MovieClip
Adds an additional frame, optionally with a sound and a custom duration.
addFrameAt(frameID:int, texture:starling.textures:Texture, sound:flash.media:Sound, duration:Number) — method, class starling.display.MovieClip
Adds a frame at a certain index, optionally with a sound and a custom duration.
addItem(item:feathers.core:IToggle) — method, class feathers.core.ToggleGroup
Adds a toggle to the group.
addItem — Event, class feathers.data.ArrayCollection
Dispatched when an item is added to the collection.
addItem(item:Object) — method, class feathers.data.ArrayCollection
Adds an item to the end of the collection.
addItem — Event, class feathers.data.ArrayHierarchicalCollection
Dispatched when an item is added to the collection.
addItem — Event, class feathers.data.HierarchicalCollection
Dispatched when an item is added to the collection.
addItem — Event, interface feathers.data.IHierarchicalCollection
Dispatched when an item is added to the collection.
addItem — Event, interface feathers.data.IListCollection
Dispatched when an item is added to the collection.
addItem(item:Object) — method, interface feathers.data.IListCollection
Adds an item to the end of the collection.
addItem — Event, class feathers.data.ListCollection
Dispatched when an item is added to the collection.
addItem(item:Object) — method, class feathers.data.ListCollection
Adds an item to the end of the collection.
addItem — Event, class feathers.data.VectorCollection
Dispatched when an item is added to the collection.
addItem(item:Object) — method, class feathers.data.VectorCollection
Adds an item to the end of the collection.
addItem — Event, class feathers.data.VectorHierarchicalCollection
Dispatched when an item is added to the collection.
addItem — Event, class feathers.data.XMLListCollection
Dispatched when an item is added to the collection.
addItem(item:Object) — method, class feathers.data.XMLListCollection
Adds an item to the end of the collection.
addItem — Event, class feathers.data.XMLListHierarchicalCollection
Dispatched when an item is added to the collection.
ADD_ITEM — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.CollectionEventType
Dispatched when an item is added to the collection.
addItemAfter(item:Object, index:Vector$int) — method, class feathers.extensions.tree.Tree
Add a tree item after the specified index.
addItemAt(data:Object, item:Object, index:int, ... rest) — method, class feathers.data.ArrayChildrenHierarchicalCollectionDataDescriptor
Adds an item to the data source, at the specified location.
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — method, class feathers.data.ArrayCollection
Adds an item to the collection, at the specified index.
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int, ... rest) — method, class feathers.data.ArrayHierarchicalCollection
Adds an item to the collection, at the specified location.
addItemAt(data:Object, item:Object, index:int) — method, class feathers.data.ArrayListCollectionDataDescriptor
Adds an item to the data source, at the specified index.
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int, ... rest) — method, class feathers.data.HierarchicalCollection
Adds an item to the collection, at the specified location.
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int, ... rest) — method, interface feathers.data.IHierarchicalCollection
Adds an item to the collection, at the specified location.
addItemAt(data:Object, item:Object, index:int, ... rest) — method, interface feathers.data.IHierarchicalCollectionDataDescriptor
Adds an item to the data source, at the specified location.
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — method, interface feathers.data.IListCollection
Adds an item to the collection, at the specified index.
addItemAt(data:Object, item:Object, index:int) — method, interface feathers.data.IListCollectionDataDescriptor
Adds an item to the data source, at the specified index.
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — method, class feathers.data.ListCollection
Adds an item to the collection, at the specified index.
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — method, class feathers.data.VectorCollection
Adds an item to the collection, at the specified index.
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int, ... rest) — method, class feathers.data.VectorHierarchicalCollection
Adds an item to the collection, at the specified location.
addItemAt(data:Object, item:Object, index:int) — method, class feathers.data.VectorIntListCollectionDataDescriptor
Adds an item to the data source, at the specified index.
addItemAt(data:Object, item:Object, index:int) — method, class feathers.data.VectorListCollectionDataDescriptor
Adds an item to the data source, at the specified index.
addItemAt(data:Object, item:Object, index:int) — method, class feathers.data.VectorNumberListCollectionDataDescriptor
Adds an item to the data source, at the specified index.
addItemAt(data:Object, item:Object, index:int) — method, class feathers.data.VectorUintListCollectionDataDescriptor
Adds an item to the data source, at the specified index.
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int) — method, class feathers.data.XMLListCollection
Adds an item to the collection, at the specified index.
addItemAt(item:Object, index:int, ... rest) — method, class feathers.data.XMLListHierarchicalCollection
Adds an item to the collection, at the specified location.
addItemAt(data:Object, item:Object, index:int) — method, class feathers.data.XMLListListCollectionDataDescriptor
Adds an item to the data source, at the specified index.
addItemAt(item:Object, index:Vector$int) — method, class feathers.extensions.tree.Tree
Add a tree item in the specified index.
addItemAtLocation(data:Object, item:Object, location:Vector$int) — method, class feathers.data.ArrayChildrenHierarchicalCollectionDataDescriptor
Adds an item to the data source, at the specified location.
addItemAtLocation(item:Object, location:Vector$int) — method, class feathers.data.ArrayHierarchicalCollection
Adds an item to the collection, at the specified location.
addItemAtLocation(item:Object, location:Vector$int) — method, class feathers.data.HierarchicalCollection
Adds an item to the collection, at the specified location.
addItemAtLocation(item:Object, location:Vector$int) — method, interface feathers.data.IHierarchicalCollection
Adds an item to the collection, at the specified location.
addItemAtLocation(data:Object, item:Object, location:Vector$int) — method, interface feathers.data.IHierarchicalCollectionDataDescriptor
Adds an item to the data source, at the specified location.
addItemAtLocation(item:Object, location:Vector$int) — method, class feathers.data.VectorHierarchicalCollection
Adds an item to the collection, at the specified location.
addItemAtLocation(item:Object, location:Vector$int) — method, class feathers.data.XMLListHierarchicalCollection
Adds an item to the collection, at the specified location.
addItemBefore(item:Object, index:Vector$int) — method, class feathers.extensions.tree.Tree
Add a tree item before the specified index.
addItemWithEffect(item:Object, index:int, effect:Function) — method, class feathers.controls.List
Adds an item from the data provider and animates its item renderer using an effect.
addKerning(charID:int, amount:Number) — method, class starling.text.BitmapChar
Adds kerning information relative to a specific other character ID.
addMesh(mesh:starling.display:Mesh, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix, alpha:Number, subset:starling.utils:MeshSubset, ignoreTransformations:Boolean) — method, class starling.display.MeshBatch
Adds a mesh to the batch by appending its vertices and indices.
addMeshAt(mesh:starling.display:Mesh, indexID:int, vertexID:int) — method, class starling.display.MeshBatch
Adds a mesh to the batch by copying its vertices and indices to the given positions.
addObject(name:String, object:Object) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Register an arbitrary object under a certain name.
addOnChangeCallback(callback:Function) — method, class feathers.core.PropertyProxy
Adds a callback to react to property changes.
addOnFunction — Property, class feathers.skins.AddOnFunctionStyleProvider
A function to call after applying the original style provider's styles.
AddOnFunctionStyleProvider — class, package feathers.skins
Wraps an existing style provider to call an additional function before or after the existing style provider applies its styles.
AddOnFunctionStyleProvider(originalStyleProvider:feathers.skins:IStyleProvider, addOnFunction:Function) — Constructor, class feathers.skins.AddOnFunctionStyleProvider
addPopEvent(eventType:String) — method, class feathers.controls.StackScreenNavigatorItem
Specifies an event dispatched by the screen that will cause the StackScreenNavigator to pop the screen off the top of the stack and return to the previous screen.
addPopToRootEvent(eventType:String) — method, class feathers.controls.StackScreenNavigatorItem
Specifies an event dispatched by the screen that will cause the StackScreenNavigator to pop the screen off the top of the stack and return to the previous screen.
addPopUp(popUp:starling.display:DisplayObject, isModal:Boolean, isCentered:Boolean, customOverlayFactory:Function) — method, class feathers.core.DefaultPopUpManager
Adds a pop-up to the stage.
addPopUp(popUp:starling.display:DisplayObject, isModal:Boolean, isCentered:Boolean, customOverlayFactory:Function) — method, interface feathers.core.IPopUpManager
Adds a pop-up to the stage.
addPopUp(popUp:starling.display:DisplayObject, isModal:Boolean, isCentered:Boolean, customOverlayFactory:Function) — Static Method , class feathers.core.PopUpManager
Adds a pop-up to the stage.
addQuad(a:uint, b:uint, c:uint, d:uint) — method, class starling.rendering.IndexData
Appends two triangles spawning up the quad with the given indices.
addRawChild(child:starling.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface feathers.controls.IScrollContainer
Adds a child to the Scroller rather than delegating the call to the view port.
addRawChild(child:starling.display:DisplayObject) — method, class feathers.controls.ScrollContainer
Adds a child to the Scroller rather than delegating the call to the view port.
addRawChildAt(child:starling.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — method, interface feathers.controls.IScrollContainer
Adds a child to the Scroller at a specific index rather than delegating the call to the view port.
addRawChildAt(child:starling.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — method, class feathers.controls.ScrollContainer
Adds a child to the Scroller at a specific index rather than delegating the call to the view port.
addRegion(name:String, region:flash.geom:Rectangle, frame:flash.geom:Rectangle, rotated:Boolean) — method, class starling.textures.TextureAtlas
Adds a named region for a SubTexture (described by rectangle with coordinates in points) with an optional frame.
addScaleForDensity(density:int, scale:Number) — method, class feathers.utils.display.ScreenDensityScaleCalculator
Adds a new scale for the specified density.
addScreen(id:String, item:feathers.controls:ScreenNavigatorItem) — method, class feathers.controls.ScreenNavigator
Registers a new screen with a string identifier that can be used to reference the screen in other calls, like removeScreen() or showScreen().
addScreen(id:String, item:feathers.controls:StackScreenNavigatorItem) — method, class feathers.controls.StackScreenNavigator
Registers a new screen with a string identifier that can be used to reference the screen in other calls, like removeScreen() or pushScreen().
addScreen(id:String, item:feathers.controls:TabNavigatorItem) — method, class feathers.controls.TabNavigator
Registers a new screen with a string identifier that can be used to reference the screen in other calls, like removeScreen() or showScreen().
addScreenAt(id:String, item:feathers.controls:TabNavigatorItem, index:int) — method, class feathers.controls.TabNavigator
Registers a new screen with a string identifier that can be used to reference the screen in other calls, like removeScreen() or showScreen().
addSound(name:String, sound:flash.media:Sound) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Register a sound under a certain name.
addSubTexture(name:String, subTexture:starling.textures:SubTexture) — method, class starling.textures.TextureAtlas
Adds a named region for an instance of SubTexture or an instance of its sub-classes.
addTabListeners(tab:feathers.controls:ToggleButton) — method, class feathers.controls.TabBar
addTexture(key:String, texture:starling.textures:Texture, retainTexture:Boolean) — method, class feathers.utils.textures.TextureCache
Saves a texture, and associates it with a specific key.
addTexture(name:String, texture:starling.textures:Texture) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Register a texture under a certain name.
addTextureAtlas(name:String, atlas:starling.textures:TextureAtlas) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Register a texture atlas under a certain name.
addToVariableVirtualCacheAtIndex(index:int, item:starling.display:DisplayObject) — method, class feathers.layout.BaseVariableVirtualLayout
Inserts an item in to the cache at the specified index, pushing the old cached value at that index, and all following values, up one index.
addToVariableVirtualCacheAtIndex(index:int, item:starling.display:DisplayObject) — method, class feathers.layout.FlowLayout
Inserts an item in to the cache at the specified index, pushing the old cached value at that index, and all following values, up one index.
addToVariableVirtualCacheAtIndex(index:int, item:starling.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface feathers.layout.IVariableVirtualLayout
Inserts an item in to the cache at the specified index, pushing the old cached value at that index, and all following values, up one index.
addTriangle(a:uint, b:uint, c:uint) — method, class starling.rendering.IndexData
Appends three indices representing a triangle.
addVertex(x:Number, y:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number) — method, class starling.display.graphics.Fill
addVertex(x:Number, y:Number, thickness:Number, color0:uint, alpha0:Number, color1:uint, alpha1:Number) — method, class starling.display.graphics.Stroke
addVertex(x:Number, y:Number, u:Number, v:Number, r:Number, g:Number, b:Number, a:Number) — method, class starling.display.graphics.TriangleFan
addVertexInConvexShape(x:Number, y:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number) — method, class starling.display.graphics.Fill
addVertexInternal(x:Number, y:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number) — method, class starling.display.graphics.Fill
addVertexInternal(x:Number, y:Number, thickness:Number, color0:uint, alpha0:Number, color1:uint, alpha1:Number) — method, class starling.display.graphics.Stroke
addVertices(... rest) — method, class starling.geom.Polygon
Adds vertices to the polygon.
addXml(name:String, xml:XML) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Register an XML object under a certain name.
adjustBrightness(value:Number) — method, class starling.filters.ColorMatrixFilter
Changes the brightness.
adjustContrast(value:Number) — method, class starling.filters.ColorMatrixFilter
Changes the contrast.
adjustHue(value:Number) — method, class starling.filters.ColorMatrixFilter
Changes the hue of the image.
adjustSaturation(sat:Number) — method, class starling.filters.ColorMatrixFilter
Changes the saturation.
advanceTime(time:Number) — method, class starling.animation.DelayedCall
Advance the time by a number of seconds.
advanceTime(time:Number) — method, interface starling.animation.IAnimatable
Advance the time by a number of seconds.
advanceTime(time:Number) — method, class starling.animation.Juggler
Advances all objects by a certain time (in seconds).
advanceTime(time:Number) — method, class starling.animation.Tween
Advance the time by a number of seconds.
advanceTime(passedTime:Number) — method, class starling.core.Starling
Dispatches ENTER_FRAME events on the display list, advances the Juggler and processes touches.
advanceTime(passedTime:Number) — method, class starling.display.MovieClip
Advance the time by a number of seconds.
advanceTime(passedTime:Number) — method, class starling.display.Stage
advanceTime(passedTime:Number) — method, class starling.events.TouchProcessor
Analyzes the current touch queue and processes the list of current touches, emptying the queue while doing so.
afterDraw(context:flash.display3D:Context3D) — method, class starling.rendering.Effect
This method is called by render, directly after context.drawTriangles.
afterDraw(context:flash.display3D:Context3D) — method, class starling.rendering.FilterEffect
This method is called by render, directly after context.drawTriangles.
afterDraw(context:flash.display3D:Context3D) — method, class starling.rendering.MeshEffect
This method is called by render, directly after context.drawTriangles.
afterVirtualizedItemCount — Property, class feathers.layout.BaseLinearLayout
afterVirtualizedItemCount — Property, class feathers.layout.HorizontalSpinnerLayout
Used internally by a component, such as List, to set the number of virtualized items that appear after the items passed to layout().
afterVirtualizedItemCount — Property, interface feathers.layout.ITrimmedVirtualLayout
Used internally by a component, such as List, to set the number of virtualized items that appear after the items passed to layout().
afterVirtualizedItemCount — Property, class feathers.layout.SlideShowLayout
Used internally by a component, such as List, to set the number of virtualized items that appear after the items passed to layout().
afterVirtualizedItemCount — Property, class feathers.layout.VerticalSpinnerLayout
Used internally by a component, such as List, to set the number of virtualized items that appear after the items passed to layout().
agalcode — Property, class com.adobe.utils.AGALMiniAssembler
AGALMiniAssembler — class, package com.adobe.utils
AGALMiniAssembler(debugging:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.adobe.utils.AGALMiniAssembler
Alert — class, package feathers.controls
Displays a message in a modal pop-up with a title and a set of buttons.
Alert() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.Alert
alertFactory — Static Property, class feathers.controls.Alert
Returns a new Alert instance when Alert.show() is called.
align — Property, class feathers.text.BitmapFontTextFormat
Determines the alignment of the text, either left, center, or right.
Align — final class, package starling.utils
A class that provides constant values for horizontal and vertical alignment of objects.
alignPivot(horizontalAlign:String, verticalAlign:String) — method, class starling.display.DisplayObject
Moves the pivot point to a certain position within the local coordinate system of the object.
all — Static Property, class starling.core.Starling
All Starling instances.
allowMultipleSelection — Property, class feathers.controls.DataGrid
If true multiple items may be selected at a time.
allowMultipleSelection — Property, class feathers.controls.List
If true multiple items may be selected at a time.
allowMultipleSelection — Property, class feathers.controls.SpinnerList
SpinnerList requires that the allowMultipleSelection property is set to false.
allowMultipleSelection — Property, class feathers.extensions.dataGrid.DataGrid
If true multiple items may be selected at a time.
alpha — Property, interface feathers.core.IFeathersDisplayObject
The opacity of the display object.
alpha — Property, class starling.display.DisplayObject
The opacity of the object.
alpha — Property, interface starling.display.materials.IMaterial
alpha — Property, class starling.display.materials.StandardMaterial
alpha — Property, class starling.filters.DropShadowFilter
The alpha value of the shadow.
alpha — Property, class starling.filters.GlowFilter
The alpha value of the glow.
alpha — Property, class starling.rendering.MeshEffect
The alpha value of the object rendered by the effect.
alpha — Property, class starling.rendering.RenderState
The current, cumulated alpha value.
alpha — Property, class starling.styles.DistanceFieldStyle
The alpha value with which the inner area (what's rendered in 'basic' mode) is drawn.
alphaWhenDisabled — Property, class starling.display.Button
The alpha value of the button when it is disabled.
ALTERNATE_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_INSET_FIRST_ITEM_RENDERER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.GroupedList
An alternate name to use for item renderers to give them an inset style.
ALTERNATE_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_INSET_FOOTER_RENDERER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.GroupedList
An alternate name to use with footer renderers to give them an inset style.
ALTERNATE_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_INSET_HEADER_RENDERER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.GroupedList
An alternate name to use with header renderers to give them an inset style.
ALTERNATE_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_INSET_ITEM_RENDERER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.GroupedList
An alternate name to use with item renderers to give them an inset style.
ALTERNATE_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_INSET_LAST_ITEM_RENDERER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.GroupedList
An alternate name to use for item renderers to give them an inset style.
ALTERNATE_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_INSET_SINGLE_ITEM_RENDERER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.GroupedList
An alternate name to use for item renderers to give them an inset style.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_BACK_BUTTON — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Button
An alternate style name to use with Button to allow a theme to give it a "back button" style, perhaps with an arrow pointing backward.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_CALL_TO_ACTION_BUTTON — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Button
An alternate style name to use with Button to allow a theme to give it a more prominent, "call-to-action" style.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_CHECK — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
An alternate style name to use with the default item renderer to allow a theme to give it a "check" style.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_CHECK — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultDataGridCellRenderer
An alternate style name to use with the default item renderer to allow a theme to give it a "check" style.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_CHECK — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListItemRenderer
An alternate style name to use with the default item renderer to allow a theme to give it a "check" style.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_CHECK — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultListItemRenderer
An alternate style name to use with the default item renderer to allow a theme to give it a "check" style.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_DANGER_BUTTON — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Button
An alternate style name to use with Button to allow a theme to give it a highly prominent, "danger" style.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_DETAIL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Label
An alternate style name to use with Label to allow a theme to give it a smaller style meant for less-important details.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_DRILL_DOWN — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
An alternate style name to use with the default item renderer to allow a theme to give it a "drill-down" style.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_DRILL_DOWN — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListItemRenderer
An alternate style name to use with the default item renderer to allow a theme to give it a "drill-down" style.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_DRILL_DOWN — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultListItemRenderer
An alternate style name to use with the default item renderer to allow a theme to give it a "drill-down" style.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_FORWARD_BUTTON — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Button
An alternate style name to use with Button to allow a theme to give it a "forward" button style, perhaps with an arrow pointing forward.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_HEADING — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Label
An alternate style name to use with Label to allow a theme to give it a larger style meant for headings.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_INSET_GROUPED_LIST — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.GroupedList
An alternate style name to use with GroupedList to allow a theme to give it an inset style.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_OVERLAY_PLAY_PAUSE_TOGGLE_BUTTON — Constant Static Property, class feathers.media.PlayPauseToggleButton
An alternate style name to use with PlayPauseToggleButton to allow a theme to give it an appearance of an overlay above video.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_QUIET_BUTTON — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Button
An alternate style name to use with Button to allow a theme to give it a less prominent, "quiet" style.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_SEARCH_TEXT_INPUT — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.TextInput
An alternate style name to use with TextInput to allow a theme to give it a search input style.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_TOOLBAR — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.LayoutGroup
An alternate style name to use with LayoutGroup to allow a theme to give it a toolbar style.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_TOOLBAR — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollContainer
An alternate style name to use with ScrollContainer to allow a theme to give it a toolbar style.
ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_TOOL_TIP — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Label
An alternate style name to use with Label to allow a theme to give it a tool tip style for use with the tool tip manager.
altKey — Property, class starling.events.KeyboardEvent
Indicates whether the Alt key is active on Windows or Linux; indicates whether the Option key is active on Mac OS.
alwaysDrawToBackBuffer — Property, class starling.filters.FragmentFilter
Indicates if the last filter pass is always drawn directly to the back buffer.
alwaysShowSelection — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor
When set to true and the text field is not in focus, Flash Player highlights the selection in the text field in gray.
alwaysShowSelection — Property, class feathers.extensions.controls.text.TLFTextFieldTextEditor
When set to true and the text field is not in focus, Flash Player highlights the selection in the text field in gray.
anchorBottom — Property, class feathers.extensions.toaster.DefaultToaster
The distance between the toaster an the bottom of the stage.
anchorBottom — Property, class feathers.extensions.toaster.Toaster
The distance between the toaster an the bottom of the stage.
AnchorLayout — class, package feathers.layout
Positions and sizes items by anchoring their edges (or center points) to their parent container or to other items.
AnchorLayout() — Constructor, class feathers.layout.AnchorLayout
AnchorLayoutData — class, package feathers.layout
Extra, optional data used by an AnchorLayout instance to position and size a display object.
AnchorLayoutData(top:Number, right:Number, bottom:Number, left:Number, horizontalCenter:Number, verticalCenter:Number) — Constructor, class feathers.layout.AnchorLayoutData
angle — Property, class starling.filters.DropShadowFilter
The angle with which the shadow is offset, in radians.
animate — Property, class feathers.extensions.tree.Tree
Determines if open and close item has animate.
animate(property:String, endValue:Number) — method, class starling.animation.Tween
Animates the property of the target to a certain value.
animatesProperty(property:String) — method, class starling.animation.Tween
Indicates if a property with the given name is being animated by this tween.
AnimateUVVertexShader — class, package starling.display.shaders.vertex
AnimateUVVertexShader(uSpeed:Number, vSpeed:Number) — Constructor, class starling.display.shaders.vertex.AnimateUVVertexShader
antiAliasing — Property, class starling.core.Starling
The anti-aliasing level.
antiAliasing — Property, class starling.filters.FragmentFilter
The anti-aliasing level.
antiAliasType — Style, class feathers.controls.ScrollText
The type of anti-aliasing used for this text field, defined as constants in the flash.text.AntiAliasType class.
antiAliasType — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor
The type of anti-aliasing used for this text field, defined as constants in the flash.text.AntiAliasType class.
antiAliasType — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextRenderer
The type of anti-aliasing used for this text field, defined as constants in the flash.text.AntiAliasType class.
antiAliasType — Property, class feathers.extensions.controls.text.TLFTextFieldTextEditor
The type of anti-aliasing used for this text field, defined as constants in the flash.text.AntiAliasType class.
Application — class, package feathers.core
Base class for a Feathers application with a LayoutGroup as the root display object.
Application() — Constructor, class feathers.core.Application
applyFillStyleToGraphic(graphic:starling.display.graphics:Graphic) — method, class starling.display.Graphics
applyNonLinearFontScaling — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextRenderer
Specifies that you want to enhance screen appearance at the expense of what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) print fidelity.
applyStrokeStyleToGraphic(graphic:starling.display.graphics:Graphic) — method, class starling.display.Graphics
applyStyles(target:feathers.core:IFeathersControl) — method, class feathers.skins.AddOnFunctionStyleProvider
Applies styles to a specific Feathers UI component, unless that component has been excluded.
applyStyles(target:feathers.core:IFeathersControl) — method, class feathers.skins.FunctionStyleProvider
Applies styles to a specific Feathers UI component, unless that component has been excluded.
applyStyles(target:feathers.core:IFeathersControl) — method, interface feathers.skins.IStyleProvider
Applies styles to a specific Feathers UI component, unless that component has been excluded.
applyStyles(target:feathers.core:IFeathersControl) — method, class feathers.skins.StyleNameFunctionStyleProvider
Applies styles to a specific Feathers UI component, unless that component has been excluded.
applyUVMatrix() — method, class starling.display.graphics.Graphic
applyUVMatrix() — method, class starling.display.graphics.Graphic_bak
AQUA — Constant Static Property, class starling.utils.Color
area — Property, class starling.geom.Polygon
Calculates the total area of the polygon.
argb(alpha:int, red:int, green:int, blue:int) — Static Method , class starling.utils.Color
Creates an ARGB color, stored in an unsigned integer.
arguments — Property, class starling.animation.DelayedCall
The arguments that the callback will be executed with.
arrangeChars(width:Number, height:Number, text:String, format:starling.text:TextFormat, options:starling.text:TextOptions) — method, class starling.text.BitmapFont
Arranges the characters of text inside a rectangle, adhering to the given settings.
ArrayChildrenHierarchicalCollectionDataDescriptor — class, package feathers.data
A hierarchical data descriptor where children are defined as arrays in a property defined on each branch.
ArrayChildrenHierarchicalCollectionDataDescriptor() — Constructor, class feathers.data.ArrayChildrenHierarchicalCollectionDataDescriptor
ArrayCollection — class, package feathers.data
Wraps an Array in the common IListCollection API used by many Feathers UI controls, including List and TabBar.
ArrayCollection(data:Array) — Constructor, class feathers.data.ArrayCollection
arrayData — Property, class feathers.data.ArrayCollection
The Array data source for this collection.
arrayData — Property, class feathers.data.ArrayHierarchicalCollection
The Array data source for this collection.
ArrayHierarchicalCollection — class, package feathers.data
Wraps an Array data source with a common API for use with UI controls that support hierarchical data.
ArrayHierarchicalCollection(arrayData:Array) — Constructor, class feathers.data.ArrayHierarchicalCollection
ArrayListCollectionDataDescriptor — class, package feathers.data
An IListCollectionDataDescriptor implementation for Arrays.
ArrayListCollectionDataDescriptor() — Constructor, class feathers.data.ArrayListCollectionDataDescriptor
arrowOffset — Style, class feathers.controls.Callout
The offset, in pixels, of the arrow skin from the horizontal center or vertical middle of the background skin, depending on the position of the arrow (which side it is on).
arrowPosition — Style, class feathers.controls.Callout
The position of the callout's arrow relative to the callout's background.
ASCENDING — Constant Static Property, class feathers.data.SortOrder
Indicates that items are sorted in ascending order.
assemble(mode:String, source:String, version:uint, ignorelimits:Boolean) — method, class com.adobe.utils.AGALMiniAssembler
assemble2(ctx3d:flash.display3D:Context3D, version:uint, vertexsrc:String, fragmentsrc:String) — method, class com.adobe.utils.AGALMiniAssembler
AssetManager — class, package starling.utils
The AssetManager handles loading and accessing a variety of asset types.
AssetManager(scaleFactor:Number, useMipmaps:Boolean) — Constructor, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Create a new AssetManager.
assignFocus() — method, class feathers.text.StageTextField
asyncBitmapUploadEnabled — Static Property, class starling.textures.Texture
Indicates if it should be attempted to upload bitmaps asynchronously when the async parameter is supplied to supported methods.
asyncTextureUpload — Property, class feathers.controls.ImageLoader
Determines if textures loaded from URLs are uploaded asynchronously or not.
AtfData — class, package starling.textures
A parser for the ATF data format.
AtfData(data:flash.utils:ByteArray) — Constructor, class starling.textures.AtfData
Create a new instance by parsing the given byte array.
atlas — Property, class feathers.themes.BaseMetalWorksDesktopTheme
The texture atlas that contains skins for this theme.
atlas — Property, class feathers.themes.BaseMetalWorksMobileTheme
The texture atlas that contains skins for this theme.
attachCamera(camera:flash.media:Camera, onComplete:Function) — method, class starling.textures.ConcreteTexture
Specifies a video stream from a camera to be rendered within the texture.
attachNetStream(netStream:flash.net:NetStream, onComplete:Function) — method, class starling.textures.ConcreteTexture
Specifies a video stream to be rendered within the texture.
AUTO — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollPolicy
The scroller may scroll if the content is larger than the view port's bounds.
AUTO — Constant Static Property, class starling.display.BlendMode
Inherits the blend mode from this display object's parent.
autoCapitalize — Property, class feathers.controls.text.StageTextTextEditor
Controls how a device applies auto capitalization to user input.
autoCapitalize — Property, class feathers.text.StageTextField
AutoComplete — class, package feathers.controls
A text input that provides a pop-up list with suggestions as you type.
AutoComplete() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.AutoComplete
autoCompleteDelay — Property, class feathers.controls.AutoComplete
The time, in seconds, after the text has changed before requesting suggestions from the IAutoCompleteSource.
autoCorrect — Property, class feathers.controls.text.StageTextTextEditor
Indicates whether a device auto-corrects user input for spelling or punctuation mistakes.
autoCorrect — Property, class feathers.text.StageTextField
autoHideBackground — Style, class feathers.controls.Scroller
If true, the background's visible property will be set to false when the scroll position is greater than or equal to the minimum scroll position and less than or equal to the maximum scroll position.
automateSetupForTexture(texture:starling.textures:Texture, onAssign:Function, onRelease:Function) — Static Method , class starling.display.Image
Injects code that is called by all instances whenever the given texture is assigned or replaced.
autoPlay — Property, class feathers.media.SoundPlayer
Determines if the sound starts playing immediately when the soundSource property is set.
autoPlay — Property, class feathers.media.VideoPlayer
Determines if the video starts playing immediately when the videoSource property is set.
autoScale — Property, class starling.text.TextField
Indicates whether the font size is automatically reduced if the complete text does not fit into the TextField.
autoScale — Property, class starling.text.TextOptions
Indicates whether the font size is automatically reduced if the complete text does not fit into the TextField.
autoSize — Property, class starling.text.TextField
Specifies the type of auto-sizing the TextField will do.
autoSize — Property, class starling.text.TextOptions
Specifies the type of auto-sizing set on the TextField.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.BasicButton
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.Callout
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.DataGrid
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.Drawers
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.Header
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.ImageLoader
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.Label
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.Panel
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.PickerList
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.ProgressBar
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.Scroller
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.SimpleScrollBar
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.Slider
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.TextInput
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.WebView
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultDataGridHeaderRenderer
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.supportClasses.BaseScreenNavigator
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.text.StageTextTextEditor
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextRenderer
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextRenderer
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeIfNeeded() — method, class feathers.extensions.controls.text.TLFTextFieldTextEditor
If the component's dimensions have not been set explicitly, it will measure its content and determine an ideal size for itself.
autoSizeMode — Property, class feathers.controls.Drawers
Determines how the drawers container will set its own size when its dimensions (width and height) aren't set explicitly.
autoSizeMode — Property, class feathers.controls.LayoutGroup
Determines how the layout group will set its own size when its dimensions (width and height) aren't set explicitly.
autoSizeMode — Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollContainer
Determines how the container will set its own size when its dimensions (width and height) aren't set explicitly.
autoSizeMode — Property, class feathers.controls.supportClasses.BaseScreenNavigator
Determines how the screen navigator will set its own size when its dimensions (width and height) aren't set explicitly.
AutoSizeMode — class, package feathers.controls
Constants that determine how a component should automatically calculate its own dimensions when no explicit dimensions are provided.
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z